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Easy Chair, Queen Anne or Newport design
J-Class Yacht model
Lamps, brass & nickel
Pewter Candle Sconce w/ glass globe
Pineapple Chair Pad
Porcelain Pineapple Jars
1626 Map of the World
1735 Map of the World
19th-Century Town Scene
A Good Sailor...
American Eagle Cachepot
American Furniture in the Bybee Collection
American Furniture in the MMA: Early Colonial Period
American Furniture of the 18th Century - Signed
American Furniture: 1620 to the Present
American Furniture: Queen Anne and Chippendale Periods
American Furniture: The Federal Period
American Hardwood Chess Set
American Warships SOLD
Anchor and Rope Rug
Anchor and Wheel Ornament
Assorted Balsam-Filled Tapestry Pillows
Assorted Porcelain Tea Sets
Ball Foot Table Lamp
Balsam-Filled Tapestry Pillows
Bass with Lure Weathervane
Beeswax Candles
Beeswax Tree Candles
Black Whale on Red Rug
Bookends & Doorknockers
Boston Lithograph
Boxed Clock and Compass
Boxes and Woodenware
Brass and Black Clock
Brass and Black Desk Lamp
Brass and Leather Spyglass
Brass Catboat Doorknocker
Brass Compass Paperweight
Brass Pineapple Doorknocker
Brass Pocket Compass
Brass Scallop Shell Doorknocker
Brass Sextant
Brass Ship's Barometer with Stand
Brass Ship's Clock
Brass Ship's Clock with Stand
Brass Ship's Wheel Barometer
Brass Ship's Wheel Clock
Brass Time and Tide Clock
Brass Whale's Tail Doorknocker
Bronze Hourglass
Candle Snuffer, brass or pewter
Candles & Accessories
Canton Ginger Jar Lamp
Canton Porcelain
Capitol Dome Bookend
Capt. Elisha Taylor
Centerpiece Bowl - English Blue Floral
Centerpiece Bowl - English Toile
Charger in Blue and Orange
Chrome Time and Tide Clock
Clock and Compass Cube
Clock and Thermometer in Rosewood Case
Clocks and Instruments
Colorful Fish Round Rug
Colorful Fish Rug
Colorful Fish Runner
Compass Arrow Wall Sculpture
Compass Base Desk Globe
Coral or Blue Torquay Bowl and Platter
Custom Monogram Needlepoint Pillow
Decatur & USS Constitution
Delft Tea/Coffee Pots
Desk Globe on Pedestal
Double-Masted Schooner
Downhill Skier Wool Rug 2x3'
Dutch World Map c.1680
Embroidered Cherry Blossom Pillow
Embroidered Compass Rose Pillow
Embroidered Sail Away Pillow
Family Portrait
Federal Candleholder in Brass
Fine China
Floral Still Life
Flying Angel Weathervane
Folk Art
Framed Art & Maps
French Fleet in the Baltic
French World Map 1694
George and Martha Washington, Miniature Pair
George Washington's Rules of Civility
Georgian Electrified Sconce
Gilded Peacock Planter/Vase
Hand-Dipped Candles
Hanging Globe on Stand
Harbor Scene Plates
Hardwood Chess Pieces in Box
Herreshoff's 1901 Cup Defender
Herreshoff's 1901 Cup Defender
Hooked Wool 8Ft Runners
Hooked Wool Anchor Pillow
Hooked Wool Anchor Pillow
Hooked Wool Captain Pillow
Hooked Wool Floral Pillow
Hooked Wool Lobster Pillow
Hooked Wool Whale Pillow
Horse Weathervane
Hurricane Candleholder
I'd Rather be Sailing
Imari Charger
J- Class Yacht model
Jacobean Tea Jar Lamp
Jefferson Quote Pillow
John Townsend: Newport Cabinetmaker
Kelvin & Hughes Pocket Compass
Lamps, porcelain
Large Compass Rose Wall Sculpture
Large Fishbowl Planter
Large Pond Yacht
Large Round Wool Rugs
Large Sailboat Weathervane
Large Sunroom Pillow
Leather Spyglass
Leather-Wrapped Spy Glass
Lighthouse Bookends
Lighthouse Weathervane
Mantel Base for Figure
Map of New England and New York 1626
Map of the World Engraving on Fabric
Mary Ann Warren Sampler
Master Craftsmen of Newport: The Townsends and Goddards
Mermaid Weathervane
Mermaids and Sailors
Mottahedah Canton Porcelain
Nautical Presentation Clock
Needlepoint Pillows
Needlepoint Yellow Rose
New England Candleholders
New England Candlestick Lamp in Nickel
Newport Brace-Back Chair
Nickel Buffet Lamp
Nickel Candlestick Lamp
Octagonal Candle Sconce
Oval Porcelain Centerpiece Bowl
Petit Point Eagle and Flags
Petit Point Hydrangia Pillow
Petit Point Three-Masted Ship
Pillar Holder with Hurricane Shade
Pineapple Door Knocker
Pineapple Doorknocker
Pineapple Hooked Rug
Pineapple Letter Opener
Pineapple Scherenschnitte
Pineapple Weathervane
Polished Brass Pineapple Bookends
Poppies Rug
Porcelain Tissue Cover
Porthole Clock
Porthole Clock
Porthole Desk Clock
Portrait of Child with Boat
Portrait of Girl with Doll
Precision Barometer
Precision Barometer Thermometer
Precision Clock and Barometer Plaque
Precision Clock and Barometer Set
Precision Four-in-One Plaque
Racing Sloop Weathervane
Regatta Racing Sloop
Rhode Island Bow-Back Chair
Rhode Island Continuous Arm Chair
Rooster Weathervane
Rose Medallion Charger
Round Rugs
Sack-Back Windsor Arm Chair
Sailboat Weathervane
Sailboats Bookends
Sailing Ship
Sailing Ship Porcelain Plate
Sailing Ship Porcelain Tea Set
Sailing Yacht
Satin Brass Desk Lamp
Satin Brass Pineapple Candle Pin
Set of Ming Dynasty Emperors
Ship Models
Ship's Bell Clock in Stand
Silver Tea Set
Single-Arm Brass Candle Sconce
Single-Arm Pewter Sconce with Globe
Sloop Weathervane Chair Pad
Small Chamberstick
Small Model Yacht
Smithsonian Eagle
Solid Brass Floor Telescope
Stars 2' x 4'
Stars on Wool
Still Life with Fruit
Still Life with Fruit and Basket
Still Life with Fruit I
Still Life with Fruit II
Still Life with Peonies and Tulips
Tall Ship
Tall Ship "Americana"
Tall Ship "Eliza"
Tall Ship Bookend
Tall Ship Pitcher
Tall Ship Shell Plate
Tapered Column Candleholder
Tea and Taste: The Visual Language of Tea
Tea for One
Tea Sets & Accessories
The Architectural Heritage of Newport RI
The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Guide
The Constitution of the United States
The Declaration of Independence
The Encyclopedia of Shaker Furniture
The Fine Points of Furniture
The Gentleman & Cabinet-Maker's Director
The Iron-Clad Fleet
The New Fine Points of Furniture
The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin
To the East'ard
Treasures of State
Two-Arm Oval Electrified Sconce
Two-Arm Pewter Candle Sconce with Globes
Upholstered Furniture
Verdigris Arrow Weathervane
View of Eighteenth-Century Paris or London
Walking Stick with Compass
Walking Stick with Spyglass
Waterproof Brass Time and Tide Clock
Weathervane Eaves Mount
Weathervane Roof Mount
Whale and Lighthouse
Whale Weathervane
White Porcelain with Leaves
White Whale 8 Ft Runner
White Whale Rug
Williamsburg Candle Sconce
Windsor Arm Chair
Windsor Chair-Making in America
Windsor Chairs and Settees
windsor finishes
Windsor Sack-Back Settee
Winter in New England
Winter Pine Tree Wool Pillows
Wool Runner
Wool Runners
World Time Desk Clock
Bookends & Doorknockers
Boxes and Woodenware
Candles & Accessories
Clocks and Instruments
Fine China
Folk Art
Framed Art & Maps
Furniture by Jeffrey Greene
Lamps, brass & nickel
Lamps, porcelain
Ship Models
Tea Sets & Accessories
Upholstered Furniture
Windsor Chairs and Settees